Special needs children and teens may find it difficult to receive the dental care they need and deserve.

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Special needs children and teens may find it difficult to receive the dental care they need and deserve. We are highly trained and experienced when it comes to working with children who have special needs. Our goal is to provide your child with a relaxed, comfortable experience in an environment that is able to accommodate them. We work with kids of all ages and who have a variety of different medical and health needs.

It can sometimes be difficult for special needs children to receive the dental care that they need. Many offices are unable to accommodate special needs patients. This is why we've provided our patients with the ability to bring their special needs children in for regular care. We can provide them with preventative, restorative, cosmetic and even surgical care as needed.

If your child has a disability of any kind that is preventing them from sitting still or being able to receive care, we welcome you to come into our office. Special needs dentistry allows these children to finally receive the care that they want and need. We can accommodate kids of varying needs so that your whole family can benefit from coming into our office.

The first appointment will involve a cleaning and examination. We will use this time to get to know your child and their unique needs. We will do everything we possibly can to accommodate them in our office. The exam gives us a chance to see if there are any intraoral problems that need to be fixed or repaired as soon as possible. We recommend that your special needs child come in for care every three to six months so that we can help to keep their teeth healthy and strong.

If patients require dental treatment but are not able to sit in the chair for treatment, General Anesthesia services are an option for completing treatment.