Sometimes a baby molar can be cracked or there is extensive decay in the tooth that requires a little more than a dental filling.

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Sometimes a baby molar can be cracked or there is extensive decay in the tooth that requires a little more than a dental filling. A Dental Crown is a prefabricated cap that can be cemented over a child’s tooth restoring the tooth back to its original function.

Sometimes cavities in children’s teeth may become so large that simple fillings cannot restore the tooth. This Dental Crown is custom fitted and adapted, cemented over the existing tooth. This will keep the tooth and root intact until normal tooth loss occurs when the permanent tooth arrives. For back teeth, to restore the proper shape to the tooth, a stainless steel crown is used. For front teeth, we use Zirconium which esthetically looks great.

In order to determine if a crown is needed, Dr. Chris will perform an exam and check your child’s teeth. Most children who need a crown can safely have one placed. The crown is made to fit over your child’s tooth perfectly. It can last for many years, and stainless steel crowns are incredibly durable and long-lasting.

Your child will receive an anesthetic helping to keep them comfortable during the procedure. The tooth is isolated with a barrier. The tooth is prepped and the decay is removed, the crown is fitted, adjusted, and cemented over the tooth helping to restore functionality and overall dental health. At Peak Pediatric Dentistry we offer a variety of different sedation options for your child to make the appointment more comfortable.

If your child needs a Dental Crown and you’re looking to learn more about this restorative option, call our office today and one of our friendly staff members can further assist you.